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Dare to Try Hair Brush Highlights?

Are Hair Brush Highlights the new trend for Summer 2016? To most educated hair stylist this is actually not a new technique, just like balayage but new to the general public. I feel more clients are becoming more open to new techniques and ideas due to platforms like pinterest and youtube. We are now realizing there is no clear cut right way to do things. Which is the beauty of the world to celebrate creativity and diversity!  Last week I had one of my fabulous clients came in with a video of a Turkish hairstylist Özden Kürtür and we used a paddle brush for her end lights came out GREAT! That inspired me to do a tutorial. In my opinion this is technique you can use for multiple different looks and application time is much faster than a typical foil or balayage. Don’t be afraid to give this technique a try for summer time!

hair brush highlights

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